A 96 page black and white music comic anthology featuring creators from around the world!
No Minors by B-rock @Brock Frey (fB)
Mad Max: The Doof Warrior’s Other Instruments by Angus Latham @hillside_comics
Let’s Go to Fuckin’ Hawaii by Cam Hayden and Aaron Navrady @lancegoiter @rusty_pincers
Time Fades Away by Dino Caruso and Simon Fernandes @CarusoComics
Space Ace by Paul McMorran @herohotelcomics
The Purple One by Josh Sims @toonstrackart
Guitar God by Dan Finley @DanFinleyBooks
Noise by Ian Chen @hyena514comics
Blues for Your Soul by Danos @danos_studios
The Funny Pages by Lorry Jamison @lorryjamison
Drumfills: Goodbye… by Jon Westhoff and
Laura Helsby @part_time_comix @illaurastrates
Used by Christopher Williams @plasticflame
Shall We Dance? A UFO Catcher Story by Kenny Loui and Kachi Lee @ufocatcherken @dict_lee
Jersey Girl by Johanna Boyce and Evan Coy @coy.evan
Saturday Night by Abby Kacen @mild_pain
Minister of Loneliness by Nicholas Friesen @nicholastronaut
Punks Got Dead by Martin Dunn and Jeramy Hobbs @hobbsmakescomics @martindunn
Koromanti by Daniel G Wilson and Sam Purata @daniel_1876 @superpapersam
100% Original by Wai Tien @bobbysmoke
Punch Me in the Face by Simon Rexrode @_rexrode_
Wesley the Robot by Aaron Z. Lee @pensandpedals
The Balladeer by Chuck Harp and Matteo Marchi @chuck_harp
Requiem: An Interlude by Chyna Rosemarea @rhapsodybleu
Shadow King by Tyrone Meyer @tyronemeijerart
The Life and Death of an Idea by Gorka Uztarroz @cosmogol666
Valley Daze by M. Ryan Arnold @hot_trash_comix
One More by art bruja @art_bruja
The Raccoon Tails by Oliver Stephenson @olvrart
The Samson Show by Nicholas Friesen @nicholastronaut